
once there was tibet

the events of the past few days in tibet, reminds us that there are other nations, peoples and cultures, who are fatbottommed by china, and squeezed by india. so for a brief, but hopelessly fruitless time, tibet out her existence, and it is a cry of anguish.

the western leaders have all come out of their chummy closets, albeit briefly, and showed they really care. hey, but they are thinking, thank goodness for the respite from all the other shit happening in the world. like darfur. when all the while, cowered down by the financial, military, geopolitical dominance of the land of the dragon, they supplicate and take a share. the asian nations? they rather not embarrass big momma.

the tibetan diaspora wakes up and prays that it wields power to change the way their world is. protests and marches, organised from various parts on nothern india, sikkim, and nepal, aim to enter tibet.
protests were marked at major cities in the world. well-meaning, white activists tried their best to disrupt an old greek olympic ritual, ( which, i find farcical - women in dresses the greeks long shed, lighting torches we've long discarded, chanting verses to gods that have no worshippers) .

so, will lamaism descend into a farce, or has it already? suddenly, violent outbursts are are becoming a part of the tibetan nationalist struggle. gone are the days of peaceful marches and porcelain smash fests. buddhist monks are as vociferous as career rabble rousers. but then, religion breeds fanaticism.

in india, the police lost a man, with scores of others injured in micro riots and clashes. so the mob killed an indian policeman: it's not as if they cared a to much

it seems india doesn't too. but tibetans have an assured life in india, with government jobs from the scheduled tribe quota, education grants and de-facto indian citizenships.

this brings to mind the border marches: would tibetans leave india, even if they achieved any autonomy of sorts, the freedom to practice your faith; of equality, liberty and fraternity? the answer has to be a resounding no.

tibet is doomed to disappear. when people leave their homelands, their culture disappears into oblivion. soon, only the scholars will remember.

the death knell has sounded. the reign of the yellow hat sect is over. china will ruthlessly cut down tibet to size. gulag it, if needed.