
life, the universe and pointlessness

A useless life is an early death.
well said, goethe.

Seems like i've died many times over. In fact I've been so useless, I've died thousands and thousands of times.

And that gets me ever closer to achieving mukti, nirvana, moksha... You get the drift.

Hindus believe one needs to be reborn some 88000 times to set the soul free. Sooner if you are a good, obedient and god-fearing one, which obviously i am not.

So i'm trying to die as much as i can, when i am still alive. Say adios, ciao, tata to reincarnation - I mean who wants me to be born into something else. A dog is good, a cat is better, but why take chances. One might be reborn a cockroach, or worse, a high priest. Now that's one truly useless being.

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