
People power

Like all revolutions, the people’s movement in Darjeeling is ringing in tremendous change. But first, a little on an ironical situation the leftists find themselves in.

The state is the capitalist, wringing dry the wealth of Darjeeling, to be distributed amongst the elite in Kolkata. The people have been subjected to subtle, yet effective hostility for years now. They have been systematically deprived of higher education, of access to potable water and municipal infrastructure. Yet, crores of riches continue to flow as the might teesta, straight into the heart of Bengal.

Darjeeling is communist. Don’t get me wrong, but communism is an ideology, not a political party. A people’s movement is where all revolutions lie. And most revolutions have been forced by the common citizenry. But to be successful, they need great leaders, who are smart, astute, and bold.

Which leads us to the irony, Darjeeling is run by the will of the people. The state is run by the will of the rich and the powerful. It’s a shame to even call it a communist party of india. It’s an insult to revolutionaries like marx, lenin, trotsky and countless heroes.

Ghising was only a mobilizer of men. He never could be a leader. Plus, his agenda was money, and haphazard ideas, some of which are comical, if they weren’t tragic. The temple pond at senchel was concretised on a whim, only to find that it was the habitat of the endangered salamander. They were simply killed as Ghising feared the water would get poisoned. By some accounts, the mindless massacre numbered in the hundreds. However about his infamous, ill-gotten wealth, we all can only speculate.

That’s in the past. Now, it’s an exciting time to be in Darjeeling. The fear psychosis created by Ghising is a distant memory. The bold and the courageous are giving up everything they have for this cause. They people are honest, united and wiser.

Getting a state won’t be a cakewalk, nor will it happen immediately. But it won’t be too far away either.

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